Software for FBA revenue calculation,
Bulk analyzer for Amazon Seller,
Find profitable products to sell on Amazon
Trusted by the World’s Top Amazon Sellers
  • FBA revenue calculation
  • Amazon FBA calculation
  • FBA profit calculation
  • Amazon shipping fees calculation
  • Amazon products dimensional data
  • Amazon FeesAmazon Bulk FBA profit calculation
  • fba fees Amazon Bulk FBA fees calculation
  • amazon bulk processAmazon Bulk shipping fees calculation
  • bulk asin to upcAmazon Bulk products dimensional data
  • TickAmazon Bulk profitable products research
  • bulk ASIN to UPCAmazon Bulk ASIN to UPC, EAN, ISBN
  • bulk UPC to ASINAmazon Bulk UPC to ASIN
  • Bulk convertorsAmazon Bulk ISBN to ASIN
  • amz researcher Amazon Bulk EAN to ASIN
  • amz product finders Products search by keywords/categories
  • search by sellerid Products search by seller ID
  • Amazon Product Pricing Data100% Data accuracy
  • total offersSpeed- 20,000+ products/hours

AMZ Resaecher Amazon FBA Revenue Calculator

Amazing Features

AMZ Resaecher Amazon FBA Revenue Calculator

FBA fees calculator

Bulk FBA fees calculator

The software analyzes your suppliers product lists (ASIN, UPC, EAN and ISBN) across the Amazon marketplaces and returns profitability data so you can pick winners again and again. It returns all FBA fees like FBA Tier Level, FBA Order Handling Fee, FBA Pick & Pack Fee, FBA Weight Handling Fee and FBA Total Fees.

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product analytical data

Bulk product analytical data

Retrieve the analytical data like (Sales Rank, FBA Tier Level, FBA Weight Handling, FBA Order Handling, FBA Pick & Pack, FBA Fee Total, Total New Sellers, Lowest New Feedback Rating, Lowest New Feedback Rating FBA, Lowest New Feedback Count) based on Keyword/brand and select Categories/Sub Categories Drilldown Tree View. These data are help you to make buying decisions.

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Search Fulfillment

Bulk search identifier input

AMZ Researcher will load supplier .CSV lists based on ASIN, UPC, EAN, or ISBN. The .CSV file can have list of thousands of products with supplier pricing. For each of your products, software will return number of product information from Amazon marketplace; like: lowest seller price, buy box price, sales rank, ASIN, EAN, UPC, ISBN, shipping cost, etc...

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Bulk shipping fee calculation

Bulk inbound shipping calculator

For each of your products, AMZ Researcher will calculates your inbound shipping cost to the FBA warehouse based on supplied custom cost per lb. input. This inbound shipping cost is apply to calculate profit margin and ROI

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FBA revenue calculator

Bulk revenue calculator

For each of your products, AMZ Researcher will calculates net Profit and ROI % on purchase price after deduction of all fees(order handling fee + storage fee + pick & pack fee +weight handling fee) and shipping costs.

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manage & analyze data

Bulk manage & analyze data

User friendly display and filter for viewing and managing your data. Create your own data view by selecting only data columns which are important for you like product identifiers, pricing and analytical data. Export data as CSV file.

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AMZ Resaecher Amazon FBA Revenue Calculator

How it works

AMZ Resaecher Amazon FBA Revenue Calculator


Pricing Plan


7 Days Subscription


# Easy way to find profitable products to sell on Amazon

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time


# Order handling fee, storage fee, pick & pack fee, weight handling

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time




# Buybox,Shipping cost,Lowest New Price etc.


#Sales Rank,Total New Sellers,Feedback Count,Review


# Length,width,hight,weight


# 24 hr response time via email


20 Days Subscription


# Easy way to find profitable products to sell on Amazon

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time


# Order handling fee, storage fee, pick & pack fee, weight handling

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time




# Buybox,Shipping cost,Lowest New Price etc.


#Sales Rank,Total New Sellers,Feedback Count,Review


# Length,width,hight,weight


# 24 hr response time via email


30 Days Subscription


# Easy way to find profitable products to sell on Amazon

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time


# Order handling fee, storage fee, pick & pack fee, weight handling

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time




# Buybox,Shipping cost,Lowest New Price etc.


#Sales Rank,Total New Sellers,Feedback Count,Review


# Length,width,hight,weight


# 24 hr response time via email


60 Days Subscription


# Easy way to find profitable products to sell on Amazon

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time


# Order handling fee, storage fee, pick & pack fee, weight handling

# Process up to thousands of products research at a time




# Buybox,Shipping cost,Lowest New Price etc.


#Sales Rank,Total New Sellers,Feedback Count,Review


# Length,width,hight,weight


# 24 hr response time via email

Steps to use this software


Convert your identifiers (ASIN, UPC, ISBN, EAN) to find the Amazon products you want to retrieve data from. Import your product data file containing your identifiers and retrieve all of the product details associated with that product.

Step 1: Select Input File

Import the file in CSV or excell format which have list of identifiers. The input file can have list of any product identifiers like ASIN, UPC, EAN, and ISBN. The input file can have bulk of identifiers.

Step 2: Click on start process

After salect the input file, click on start process button to process the file.

Step 3: Result gridview and send it in email attachment

The result will send to email in attachement as soon as file processed completed.
The grid view will display these product information: ASIN, UPC , EAN, ISBN ,Product Title, Basic Sales Rank, Number of Reviews, Average Review Rating, Profit, ROI, Sold By Amazon, Buy Box cost, Shipping Cost, Buy Box Landed cost, Amazon Referral Fee, product Page Link, Product Group, Variable Closing, Order Handling Fee, Pick and Pack Fee, Weight Handling Fee, Storage Fee, Fulfillment Subtotal, Cost Sub Total, Marginal Impact, Inbound Shipping, Package Weight, Stock value, Manufacturer, Total Offers, Product Description, New FBA Number Offers, New MFN Number Offers And many more.

Amazon Product Data


Amazon Standard Identification Number


Universal Product Code


International Article Number (European Article Number)


International Standard Book Number

Product title

The Amazon listing title of the product


Bullet point descriptions on a product listing

Product Description

Full product (editorial) description

Product page URL

Product page URL for verfication of products details


Search Amazon for keywords or titles of your products and return matching results


The manufacturer name or brand name of the product

Children ASIN

The children ASINs of a product listing. These children ASINs typically represent variations of a parent ASIN like sizes or colors.

Parent ASIN

Parent ASIN of a product listing. A listing has a parent ASIN if there are children ASINs (product variations) assigned.

Package Dimensions Width

The shipping package width

Package Dimensions Height

The shipping package height

Package Dimensions Length

The shipping package length

Package Dimensions Weight

The shipping package weight

Item Dimensions Height

The product height

Item Dimensions Width

The product width

Item Dimensions Length

The product length

Item Dimensions Weight

The product weight

Publication Date (Books)

The date the book was published

Edition (Books)

The edition of the book if available

Number of Pages (Books)

Total number of pages the book has

Binding (Books)

The binding of a book (i.e. Hardcover, Paperback, Spiral)

Publisher (Books)

The publisher of a book

Release Date(Books)

The release date of a book

Trade-in Value

The product trade-in value (primarily for books)


The size of the product (i.e. Shoe size)


The color of the product if available

Merchant Name

The seller's name of the buy box price

10 Additional Images

The primary image URL of the product and 9 additional image URLs

All Categories

Includes the category hierarchy that the product is in.


The lowest level category of the product


The top level category of the product

Amazon Listing URL

The URL of the main product page on Amazon


The brand name or manufacturer name of a product

Product Label

The label of a product, commonly a book (i.e. Scholastic)

Number of Items

Number of items in a product

Package Quantity

Quantity of items in a package

Product Group

The product category an item belongs to

Small Image

Primary product small image URL (normally 75px width)

Medium Image

Primary product medium image URL (normally 160px width)

Large Image

Primary product large image URL (normally 500px width)

Product Model

The product model number

Amazon Product Pricing Data

Buybox Used Landed Price

The total buy box listing price and shipping price of a product in used condition.

Buybox New Landed Price

The total buy box listing price and shipping price of a product in new condition.

Buybox New Listing Price

The buy box listing price of a product in new condition.

Buybox Used Listing Price

The buy box listing price of a product in used condition.

Buybox Used Shipping Price

The buy box shipping price of a product in new condition.

Lowest Offer Listings

Contains pricing information for the lowest offer listing for each offer listing group.

Lowest New Fulfillment Channel

The fulfillment channel - Merchant or FBA - of the seller with the absolute lowest price new condition offer (total list price + shipping).

Lowest New Price

The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a new item regardless of fulfillment channel.

Lowest New Shipping

The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a new item regardless of fulfillment channel.

Lowest Used Fulfillment Channel

The fulfillment channel - Merchant or FBA - of the seller with the absolute lowest price used condition offer (total list price + shipping).

Lowest Used Shipping

The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a used item.

Lowest New Price FBA

The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, new item condition offer.

Lowest New Shipping FBA

The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, new condition offer.

Lowest Used Price FBA

The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, used condition offer.

Lowest Used Shipping FBA

The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, used condition offer.

Lowest New Shipping Merchant

The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, new condition offer.

Lowest Used Price Merchant

The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, used condition offer.

Lowest Used Shipping Merchant

The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled.

List Price Amount

The full retail price of the product suggested by the manufacturer or supplier.

Amazon Product Analytical Data

Basic Sales Rank

The Amazon Sales Rank assigned to a product within a certain category that represents sales performance. A lower number means a better ranking.

FBA Tier Level

Fulfillment by Amazon Tier Level (i.e. Small Standard-Size, Large Standard-Size, Small Oversize, Medium Oversize, Large Oversize, Special Oversize).

Total New Sellers

Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a new conditioned item.

Total Used Sellers

Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a used conditioned item.

FBA Order Handling

Fulfillment by Amazon Order Handling Fee.

FBA Pick & Pack

Fulfillment by Amazon Pick and Pack Fee.

FBA Weight Handling

Fulfillment by Amazon Weight Handling Fee.

FBA Fee Total

Fulfillment by Amazon Fee Total.

Lowest New Feedback Rating

(98-100%, 95-97%, 90-94%, 80-89%, 70-79%, Less than 70%, or Just launched ) – Indicates the percentage of feedback ratings for the lowest priced seller on a new conditioned item that were positive over the past 12 months.

Lowest Used Feedback Rating

(98-100%, 95-97%, 90-94%, 80-89%, 70-79%, Less than 70%, or Just launched ) – Indicates the percentage of feedback ratings for the lowest priced seller on a used conditioned item that were positive over the past 12 months.

Lowest New Feedback Count FBA

The fulfillment channel - Merchant or FBA - of the seller with the absolute lowest price used condition offer (total list price + shipping).

Lowest New Feedback Count

The number of seller feedback ratings that have been submitted for the seller with the lowest-priced offer listing in the group of items.

Lowest New Feedback Rating FBA

Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Rating' above.

Lowest Used Feedback Rating

Contains pricing information for the lowest offer listing for each offer listing group.

Lowest Used Shipping

Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Count' above.

Lowest Used Feedback Rating FBA

Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Rating' above.

Lowest Used Feedback Count FBA

Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Count' above.

Lowest New Feedback Rating Merchant

Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Rating'.

Lowest New Feedback Count Merchant

Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Count' above.

Lowest Used Feedback Rating Merchant

Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Rating' above.

Lowest Used Feedback Count Merchant

Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Count' above.

Lowest Used Feedback Count

The number of seller feedback ratings that have been submitted for the seller with the lowest-priced offer listing in the group of items.


About Us

We are here to increase your sales on Amazon and make your efforts as profitable as possible. We do this by providing great AMZ Researcher software at an affordable price and backed up by the best customer service and support available.

AMZ Researcher is founded on the idea that Amazon sellers should have access to a suite of excellent software solutions that resolve daily business challenges. This means developing innovative approaches to those issues. There are already existing software available on the market, but we believe sellers deserve better solutions. We strive to create products that will make Amazon sellers successful.

We are committed to developing the best software solutions for Amazon Professional sellers. We have a team of specialists and engineers who learn from seasoned Amazon sellers. They share that knowledge with other e-commerce business owners to help improve various parts of their operations. In this respect, we are not just a software company, but a source of information and consultation. We do not want our clients to just survive. We help them reach their seller potential.

Our Promise:

We’ve always built our company with unparalleled professionalism and the highest quality services for the marketplace. We are committed to continuing this level of excellence that we have become known for. We look forward to welcoming you to our family of clients.

Creating a custom module:

Are you looking for a custom solution for your Amazon business? Contact us and we can provide a free quote for programming software that fits exactly what you need. With one of these modules you will be able to specify exactly what information you would like to have pulled from the API database, allowing the results to be concise and user friendly.
Contact us today for additional information pertaining to custom development.

Amazon FBA profit calculator

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